Tradition trifft Kuchl September

Aperitif | 6:00 pm

"Let us enjoy life, let us be quite merry, for the
times they never return, drink up, pour out!"
With this motto from the song of the same name, the 4 Buam take you on a swinging evening with real alpine folk music. Just like a good cuvée, it's all about the right mixture. Snappy polkas, cozy waltzes, hearty Boarische, funny songs, plus a march or two - the folk music cuvée is ready. The four musicians help themselves from the large variety of pieces from the entire alpine region, which are all arranged and adapted to the respective instrumentation.
20 years ago in the school time created, are the 4 Buam in the meantime adult
and have made their hobby their profession. What has remained the same is the passion and enthusiasm for traditional alpine folk music.
(Aperitif & Fingerfood | 5-course menu | mineral | coffee | folk music concert between courses)

1 Ticket

from 98,00

25th Sept. 2024

  • Datum 25th Sept. 2024

we plan - you celebrate

Our event lady Bettina Thaller is always available for you and your individual concerns.

We look forward to creating special moments with you!

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